Aktionsflyer: Dieseltankanlagen für sicheres Lagern von Diesel.

Bulldozer Handels G.m.b.H.
A-8120 Peggau, Wilhelm-Jentsch-Straße 4,
Tel: 0043/ (0)3127/28 544
ATU 61685359
E-Mail: office@bulldozer-parts.at
It is the wave of success we are going to surf on!
"Men are wanted for a dangerous journey. Small salary, bitter cold, long months in complete darkness, constantly in danger, safe return home doubtful. Honor and recognition in the case of return. "
(Job posting from 1914 by Ernest Shackleton for his third Antarctic expedition.
Although the mission of the British polar explorer failed, he received 5,000 applicants to this advertisement)
Our team is currently complete, but you can still send us an application at any time if the following applies to you:
You come from the industry
You have already gained a lot of experience in this field
Your specialist knowledge is well
You have a strong interest in construction machinery
You want to be committed to Bulldozers business aims
This is expects you if you are interested in field service...
Bulldozer can not offer you such an extraordinary and dangerous adventure, but we can guarantee the following for our new
Permanent position in a successful company
pany cars also for private use -
Latest IT equipment
Continuous product training
Varied and interesting area of ​​responsibility
Adequate wages
Collaboration in a motivated team with flat hierarchies
Company cars also for private use
What do you have to do for it:
Support of existing customers
Acquisition of new customers
Support our customers in choosing the right equipment
Market and customer analysis
Identification of customer needs
Realize sales opportunities
That should apply to you:
Completed commercial or technical education
You like the challenge in the construction machinery sector
You are a specialist in areas of our product range
Residence ideally in the sales area
At least 3 years field sales experience, preferably in the construction equipment industry
Communication skills, resilience and engagement are among your strengths
goal-oriented work with high personal responsibility
1 Apprentice for logistics
(period of 3 years)
Your tasks
varied activities in the office (administration, accounting)
Organisation of receipt of goods / goods issue
Sort in stock items (manual / with forklift)
File delivery notes
Prepare goods for shipping (packing, ..)
Sometimes direct deliveries to customers / collection of goods from suppliers
Positive compulsory education or early school leaving from an HTL / AHS / HAK / HAS (preferably HTL)
The will to learn something new
Team spirit
Technical interest
To be good with one`s hand
Friendly manner towards colleagues, customers and suppliers
The apprenticeship compensation is EUR 700 gross per month.
If you feel addressed to support our team in the constantly growing company, we kindly ask you to apply to Ms. Albine Maisriemler (albine@bulldozer-parts.at)
We look forward to receiving your application including CV, certificates and a current photo.